Seiling Medical Clinic

Migraine Botox TreatmentsSeiling, OK

Along with the cosmetic and aesthetic benefits of Botox, we offer patients an alternative treatment to help relieve migraines. While headaches can be annoying, they are typically temporary and fade after an hour or so. Migraines are much more serious and painful. In some cases, migraines can continue for 10 days without showing signs of getting better. Botox treatments for migraines may be covered under insurance.

Since Botox is typically injected into the muscle fibers in the head that can cause migraines. By blocking specific chemicals in the brain from reaching these areas, there is a noticeable decrease in migraine symptoms. In some cases, it can even help prevent migraines from occurring.

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    What is a Migraine Headache?

    We have all experienced the pain of a simple headache before, and we know to take some medicine and wait for the pain to go away, but unfortunately for an unlucky few, they have the unpleasant and frequent painful experience of going through a migraine headache.

    In this article, we will talk about how to identify true migraine headaches, strategies to prevent them and what to do if you have never been diagnosed but think you may be suffering from them.

    The difference between a simple headache and a migraine headache

    Unlike a simple headache, a migraine headache can have symptoms before the pain even starts. One symptom is something physicians call the migraine aura. This can present as changes in vision (seeing bright lines or shapes), hearing (loud ringing or music) or even feelings like burning, numbness and tingling.

    The pain of the migraine headache typically is limited to only one side of the head — left or right — and usually described as a “throbbing” or “pulsing.” As it gets worse, you may experience other symptoms like nausea, vomiting and pain from bright lights and loud noises.

    After the pain goes away, either on its own or with pain relievers, the last phase is what doctors call the migraine postdrome (or syndrome post-migraine), in which sudden head movements can cause the pain to return. You may also feel exhausted or drained, as this whole experience can last anywhere from four to 72 hours, another significant difference from the short, simple headache.

    What to do to prevent migraine headaches

    So, now we know what migraine headaches feel like, but what about getting ahead of it and trying to prevent them? Researchers have identified the most common triggers for migraine headaches, which are listed below:

    • Most common: Emotional stress, hormones, not eating, weather, sleep disturbances
    • Less common: Odors, neck pain, lights, alcohol, smoke, sleeping late, heat
    • Least common: Food, exercise, sexual activity

    With this information, we can now identify what triggers correspond to our migraine headaches and apply effective measures to reasonably avoid them. For example, if you notice that your headaches happen around the weekends when you have had too much to drink, it may be useful to see if they occur less frequently when you lower your alcohol consumption.

    What to do if you think you may be suffering from migraine headaches

    If you are frequently experiencing the symptoms above and/or over-the-counter medications are not working, it is time to see a doctor. Only they can accurately diagnose if you are truly experiencing a migraine headache.

    In the case where over-the-counter medications are not working, a physician can also prescribe different medications that are targeted toward patients with more severe migraine headaches.

    A physician will also do a full diagnostic evaluation, so if the migraine headache is actually a symptom of something worse or even just different, they can obtain the proper diagnosis and treatment.

    Schedule an Appointment Today

    It is important to note that most Botox treatments will only last for about 10 to 12 weeks. Thus, patients will need to continue these appointments in order to continue maintaining the changes. However, it is important to continue receiving these treatments at one location to follow a specific treatment plan.

    Fortunately, the appointments will continue to be fairly quick so patients do not have to give up too much of their time. In most cases, people will begin to notice changes in their appearance in the first few days following treatment. We can go over all of these details and address any concerns the patient has during a consultation.

    If you are interested in Botox treatment for the cosmetic or health benefits, give us a call today and schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can change your appearance and reduce wrinkles with this treatment today.

    Contact Us

    Janey L Hammons NP-C is located at
    204 N. Main St. Ste 404
    Seiling, OK

    (580) 922-4406